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Transportation - Airports


Rafael Cabrera Mustelier National Airport

Carretera Central km 5 ½, Nueva Gerona, Isla de la Juventud
(00 53) (46) 321458 - (00 53) (46) 322300

It was in November 6, 1928 when the possibility of building an airport was discussed for the first time in Isla de Pinos.

The Decree 1807, which authorizes the creation of maritime Nueva Gerona airport and Los Indios was approved. Also in that same year the Presidio airfield Model was built with an area of ​​700 meters long and 440 wide, situated opposite the prison, which provided services to officers and others who travelled to the Pinera capital and had nothing to do with the famous prison.

But it was not until the arrival of the Municipal Judge, Doctor Waldo Medina Mendez, in 1942, when, at his request, social public buildings began, including, in June 1944, the construction of an airport.

His argument was simple. This was a small island and aviation a fast way of travelling for those who needed to go to the capital of the country, He proposed the airport to be located nearby the city head.

To this end, a committee created the Pro-Municipal Airport. The agency promoted auctions, collections and work among the people. In early 1945, the island became the American air base, in a bid for 125,000 pesos.

Because of the debts contracted by the patronage Pro-Municipal Airport, despite the efforts that had been made for its construction, it was necessary to lease it before it was fished to Santa Fe, the Iberoamerican SA Air Express Company at a price of 150 pesos a year. To finish both airports, the company used local materials and workers and assigned the territory 50 percent of the landings.

The transaction was for a decade, renewable for another ten years. In November 11th 1946, the airport was completed, and was given the name of a prominent Cuban aviator: Pepe Barrientos.

In October 1948, the Company opened a Q Routes Aero line between Nueva Gerona and Havana, round trip (except Sundays) with a daily flight and a capacity of 20 seats. The price was 12.95 pesos.




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