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Official seal of Isla de la Juventud - What was the White Udder? - Did you know there where several trains in the Isle?



Ubre blanca

White Udder was the famous cow that lived in the 80's in Isla de la juventud.

She broke several world records of milk production.

She descended from Holstein stallion and a mixed cow.

White udder produced 109.5 liters (241 pounds) of milk in a single day of January 1982, more than four times the output of a typical cow. She also produced 24.628 liters almost (55,090 pounds at 2.27 pounds per liter) in 305 days (a period of lactation) that ended in February 1982.

The daily yield of milk of White Udder in three milking periods was 110.9 kg.

Both feats were recognized by the Guinness Book of Records.

In 1985, White Udder was sacrificed at about the age of 13 years (the exact age was unknown).

In the official newspaper of Cuba: Granma; her death and feats were outlined.

After her death, some of her tissues were frozen with the intention to produce, when scientifically possible, a newUbre Blanca breed of cows capable of producing 100 liters of milk a day.

White Udder's body was stuffed by taxidermists and placed in a glass climate-controlled and located at the entrance to the National Center for Health, 10 miles from Havana, where she still remains.

White Udder was honored by the inhabitants of the Isle, who erected a white marble statue in her name.

It has been visited by many political leaders on their official visit to the island.

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