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Geography - Population



According to the latest census of 2010 a population there are 86,420 inhabitants. Its population density is 35.6 inhabitants per square kilometer. Its urban population makes 83.7% of the total population and 99.6% of the total population is located in the north. Its population is relatively young.

42,571 women and 43,849 men.

Birth rate (per thousand) is 12.6.

Death rate (per thousand) is 5.6. Children 2.8. The lowest in the country.

There are 58 settlements, 9 urban and 49 rural.

Inhabitants of urban centers:

Nueva Gerona: 46.923

Santa Fe, 15.348

La Demajagüa, 5.887

Patria, 5.678.

Delio Chacón, 2.064

La Reforma, 1.750

Argelia, 709

Atanagildo, 873

La Victoria, 953

We relate the main rural settlements, village, community or district:

Pino Alto, 1.031

Comunidad 49, 460

Ciro Redondo, 397

Cocodrilo, 350

Patricio Lumumba, 316

Mal País. 301

Batey Patria, 301

El Tronco, 281

Julio Antonio Mella, 256

La Caoba, 225

Briones Montoto, 214

La Tumbita, 210

Batey La Isabel, 209

El Caolín, 187

La Melvis, 186

Peralejo, 152

El Abra, 145

Libertad, 145

Las Monjas, 124

Los Mangos de Chacón, 114

Distrito Libertad. 110

Los Colonos, 105

El Fanguito, 100

Los Fernández, 96

Los Mangos La Fe, 96

Sao del Indio, 95

La Casona, 91

San Pedro, 86

La Avanzada, 83

Frank País, 81

La Sigüanea, 74

Columbia, 73

Matadero, 72

Norman Nelson, 72

Carretera del Júcaro, 71

El Tejal, 69

El Bosque, 68

El Chalet, 68

Presa Cristal, 67

Cuatro Caminos, 64

Envasadero, 62

Playa Bibijagüa, 61

Statistics taken from the National Statistics Office - http://www.one.cu/


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