It is located on nº 24 and 45 street in Nueva Gerona - CP-24100.
It shows the history of the place, the house served as a meeting place of secrecy and conspiracy of the movement July 26th (M-26-7). A group of the Isle of Pines Movement led by Magalys Montane Oropesa was active there. Also the Committee for Amnesty in defence of political prisoners who were in the prison mode was created to assist the families of prisoners.
The work done by the family Montane Oropesa and the revolutionary work of Jesus Montane well deserves a place and the recognition in the history of the Isle of Youth.
Jesus Montane Oropesa was born in 1923 in the Isle of Pines, now called Isla de la Juventud, he was the son of Zenaida and Sergio. This young man participated in the actions of the Moncada Barracks and the Granma landing, for that reason he ended in the Presidio Modelo prison. He participated in the National M-26-7 and continues after the revolutionary triumph in different tasks of the Revolution: Was appointed mayor from 1959 to 1960, director of the Criminal Institute of the Ministry of Interior, Minister of Communications; assistant of the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC). His work continued until the day of his death on May 7, 1999.
This family home Oropesa was converted first into the Clandestine resistance Museum from 1984 to 1999; from the May 7, 2000 it name was changed to Jesús Montané Oropesa museum.
The museum has a valuable collection shown in the six permanent exhibition halls, and an area for temporary exhibitions. Its inventory is constantly enriched by the many donations received.
It has pieces of exceptional value of original pieces of furniture, objects, documents, weapons, photographs and compass used in the Granma expedition, all donated by the family of the 26 July Movement and others by the widow and family members of Jesus Montane.
From July 21, 1984 the Museum retained its original structure of wood, but was devastated by Hurricane Gustav in 2008, causing damage in its facility, but not in the museum objects. After three years, the museum has regained life, being rebuilt with concrete and respecting its original look.
You can see the history of Moncada and other heroes of the underground struggle in the territory.
The museum carries out various activities, such as free guided tours, lectures, talks and discussions, consultations, readings and discussions of historical documents and books.