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- Cayo Largo
Ecological Reserve
- Los Indios
Ecological Reserve
- Punta del Este
Ecological Reserve
- Punta Francés
Natural Park
- Sur de la Isla de la Juventud
Managed Resource Protected Area
- Jungla de Jones
Attractive site for various plant species
Part of the National Network of Botanical Gardens
- Pinar Calizo
Featured Natural Element
- Cayo Campos-Rosario
Natural Wildlife Refuge
Natural Wildlife Refuge Cayo Campos-Rosario

In the archipelago of Los Canarreos the is a chain of keys off Punta del Este on Isla de la juventud, a chain of beautiful cays islands of great ecological value, moving east completely deserted, except Cayo Largo. These provide shelter to important species of flora and fauna, without underestimating the high value of tourist beaches of fine white sand.

Cayo Largo is one of these islands, is a major hub of international tourism development focussed on photography and underwater fishing, tourism of sun and beach, yachting and various forms of ecotourism with good and modern hotel facilities.

The characteristics of the seabed of the submerged platform of these cays, associated with lush mangrove vegetation allow the development of a large number of marine species. Mangroves are the only terrestrial vegetation that comes in direct contact with the sea. These forests play a major role in protecting the coastal lowlands and even gaining ground to the sea.

These islands provide attractive hunting grounds for animal watching such as iguanas and birds.

Key Campo covers an area of ​​7.9 square kilometers and is separated from Rosario 18 square kilometer by two important keys: Avalos and Cantiles. We should note that Cantiles key is one of the most interesting for the viewing of the variety of habitat and diversity of amphibians.

The geological formation Rosario Campos-Keys is one of the newly protected areas. It occupies a large area and has the characteristics of being cays barrier (insular shelf edge) and has the largest fossil dune system in sandstone on which sits an abundant flora, rich in wildlife species. It also has a well structured lagoon that serves as a refuge for birds, both migratory and resident.

Cayo Rosario, located 18 miles west of Cayo Largo del Sur, is renowned by its large number of fish inhabiting its seabed. It is an ideal place for diving and underwater photography.

It is the second diving area; with an average depth of 18 meters (59 feet), where coral hillocks form a labyrinth between large swimming black groupers, snappers, dog snappers, jacks groups, pompom hoarse, raucous , catalinetas, lobster, snapper, biajaibas, groupers, yellowtail snappers, barracudas, conch, chelonians (turtles, hawksbill and loggerhead) that use the beaches to spawn countless species of corals, sea fans, crabs and other sea molluscs, etc...

As for terrestrial fauna, there is a large population of iguanas in the dunes and crocodiles in the lagoons. Also endemic species of birds and reptiles and subspecies as the black hawk, hummingbird, the bobito boy, chichinguaco the carpenter jabado, the cannon, white handkerchief lizard, lizard green, Jibo prieto, etc.

We should note the diverse vegetation. In the sea we can find: Thalassia testudinum, Halimeda incrassata, Acanthophora muscoides, Penicillus pyriformis, Udefea flabellum, etc, whereas in the terrestrial coast appear rosemary, Bumelia American yuraguano, yana, hicaco , Cuaba brown, tebenque, alacrancillo beach Yaití, patabán stick bronco, guao coast, brava tuna, red mangrove, cana japa, alambrillo, incense beach etc.

We must not forget that in the cabeza de Zambo area there is an important archaeological site, where colonial sank ships can be easily observed.

© Isla de la Juventud 2011
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